The Notre Dame Ideal

Notre Dame

The Notre Dame Ideal

That Notre Dame, under the guidance of Almighty God, may serve, in the generations to come, the highest interests of mankind by drawing into a common fellowship the members of the faculty and the student body by gathering into a true society of teacher and the student, the graduate and the under-graduate; further, that the member of Notre Dame may discover within its walls the true education that is to be found good fellowship, in friendly disputation and debate, in the conversion of wise and prudent men and women, in music, in pictures and the play, in the casual book, in sports and games and the mastery of the body, and lastly, the Notre Dame may be dedicated to the task of arming youth with strength and suppleness of limb, with clarity of mind and depth of understanding, and with a spirit of true religion and high endeavor.

"Pere" - A Pere Murray Compendium
Compiled by Jack Gorman
Copyright 1990
Published by the Athol Murray College of Notre Dame Alumni - Alberta Branch

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